Graduating from college is a great accomplishment and one is certain of what to do in the future. The way to doing whatever you want isn't guaranteed or easy to find. It becomes a job to hunt for jobs and that's mostly what's in the head of a college graduate. It's fun when you receive an encouraging email from the potential employer. It is discouraging when you receive a decline of your job application. You have to be ready to deal with the previously mentioned states. All it takes to get a job is positiveness, hard work and perseverance. I have had no choice but apply those key features in getting a job.
I have learnt that you have to be ready because once you apply for a job you can get a phone interview, office interview or request for the resume. READINESS is key in the job hunt. Phone interview is the most tricky of the three because someone just calls and asks to know about you. It is not easy to be presentable in a flash but you have to relax and honestly say what you think the employer wants to hear about you. Always live looking for jobs knowing who you really are and whom the employer would want you to be.
I thought college was tough but actually searching for jobs is even tougher. You gotta be ready! The real life ain't for the unready, lazy and impatient. Now I know what most the older people have gone through!! It's my time to fight for the better of my future and hopefully all goes well.
I am almost charismatic, hard working, honest, trustworthy, God-fearing and ready TO WORK. Are you HIRING? :)
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